Friday, January 16, 2015

Almost Forgotten

Today I would like to share with you one painting in particular.  At some point it was set aside in a pile of failed gouache paintings for the day, ready to be thrown out. Some days are just a little frustrating, the ideas  in my mind don't always interpret so well on paper, canvas, or whatever I am using that moment.  I decided to take a break, but after a few hours I went back to my desk and pulled this one out of the stack.  For some reason , it didn't look so bad and seemed salvageable.  So I added a few more details, and eventually it turned into something I really love and cherish.

Available in my Etsy Shop.
I have been relying on my cups of tea for comfort and warmth these days, hence the tea cup in her hands.  The bare branch as a reminder of the cold, yet provides her with shelter.  She really has become one of my favorites.

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